Thursday 27 June 2013


Glitter Words

Glitter Words


Firstly the problem. This is a great app for either your mobile phone or tablet, but if you have a low data usage plan it will rapidly eat up your allowance.

However, if you have access to  Wi-Fi network that problem is solved!

Basically any image can be given an 'Aura' and when it is scanned by a mobile device extra information is displayed on screen. This 'Aura' works in much the same way as a QR code does, but the result is not limited to just web sites.

There are already many examples of this in everyday life, and many similar bespoke versions of very similar software. Many Sunday newspapers now offer extra content that is triggered in the same way, offering their readers access to 'exclusive' information.

I shall experiment with this when I have access to a Wi Fi zone and report back later

Friday 21 June 2013

Handy if you are wanting to lead a debate in class and record it so the students can have a copy for their folders.

My example is a brief discourse on Crime and Punishment:

Wednesday 19 June 2013


An application that performs the same function as bookmarks in a browser, the difference being that this is portable to any computer with an internet connection.

It also has the added plus that you can search other peoples 'Trees'. The program tries to match subjects that you have saved, so in theory you ought to get results that are helpful to you. In practice this doesn't always happen, perhaps because this is not a well subscribed application?

Worth a look at, but with reservations.....

Here is a Mind Map that I have created using with information re our itinerary when we are in Australia this summer.

The software is extremely easy to use, and it helps to focus the mind on the subject in hand. Visualising the components in this way helps to understand the links that hold the subject together.

Friday 14 June 2013

Animoto - Spinalonga

Copy of Spinalonga

A second attempt at Animoto.

Good fun, although I cannot see that it will be useful for our students, unless they can extend the time that it runs for. However it is a good introduction to the fun that can be had using photographs in a movie style format.

Animoto - A Winter Walk

A Winter Walk

A record of us in the snow on a Winters Day.

We walked for 7 miles across the fields and along the canal. We were all very please to reach the pub at the end for a meal and a few Hot Toddies!!!